
Showing posts from April, 2010

Reading tips for your kids


Why are we not like them?

I have found this article in and it seems a little funny on how un-gracious WE Malaysians are. Why are we not educated in that way instead of being selfish and being ... corrupted? SINGAPORE : Singaporeans may be more conscious of the need to clear their plates at hawker centres but are still not showing enough courtesy on the roads, according to a graciousness survey conducted earlier this year by the Singapore Kindness Movement. Some 1,000 people were polled in the survey which is into its second year. The respondents, who are mostly locals, were asked if Singaporeans are gracious in six areas “ including behaviour on public transport, at work and while driving. There was an improvement in about half of these behavioural traits and a drop in the other half, compared to the results last year. One particular area of improvement is the clearing of plates and trays after meals. According to the Kindness Movement, more people seem to be doing so — from 7 ...

Earth Hour 2010 the biggest Earth Hour ever!

At 8.30pm on 27 March, lights went out from Asia Pacific to Europe and Africa to the Americas as people from across the world joined together in celebration and contemplation of the one thing we all have in common - our planet. Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, the Las Vegas Strip, Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe and Beijing's Forbidden City were among more than 1500 iconic landmarks that switched off to show their support. A record 128 countries and territories joined the global display of action for Earth Hour 2010, making it the world's largest ever global climate change initiative. We want to thank you for contributing to this historic achievement. If you missed any of the action from the night then go to to check out the inspiring photos and videos. Article adapted from

Books in need...

Does anyone have any novel that are trying to get rid off? Can I have them? I will pay a sum for it. I need books to add up to my collection. The new books are too expensive. Anyone?