13 hours waiting

Another long hours of waiting to go home...and I can't wait to be back home.
40 hours and I only slept for less than 10 hours.
I miss my bed...oh my bed, my pillow, my blanket, and my baby pillow.
NO...my baby pillow is not those smelly, full of saliva, kind of pillow.
My baby pillow is new....

Anyway, not writing this to talk about my pillow.
For the past 3 weeks, traveling half the globe, experiencing new things, it's AWESOME!!
Although, I would say I don't see much there, at least it's something I won't forget.
I will definitely going to the States again but of course not anytime soon.
It may be 10 years later or more, or maybe near.

The Flight
8 changes of flight to and fro.
40 plus hours of total flight.
What do you think?

The Weather
When I first reach LA, I was like...oh no...why is this place so cold. I was shivering all the way from International terminal to another terminal where I have to wait for my other flight.
Before we head to US, we only checked the weather in Austin, and it was not cold. So we were not prepared for the cold whether.
San Jose was almost nightmare. But it was fun. The coldness, shivering, and laugh at our stupidity for not prepared for the worst. I only had my jeans pants and jeans jacket. Surely it was not enough for me, but what else can I do? Shiver.....

The environment
I love it.
I love the people, friendly and warm.
I love the traffic system, pedestrians first.
I love the cars, fast and cheap.
I love the road, wide and smooth.
I love the air, clean, cold but too dry.
But I love to be back home because I'm home.

What else can I complain. Endure...endure.
Everything is greener on the otherside.
But it sure is an eye opener for me.
To see the world, to know of other place's culture, system, people, etc, and not just by looking from the electronic box.


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